Let's see the resources!

Let's see the resources!

This searchable resource library has all of the most-used tools, methods, stories, examples, and case studies found across this website - all in one place! Feel free to use the handy search filter to help you find exactly what you need.

Let's see the resources!

Let's see the resources!

This searchable resource library has all of the most-used tools, methods, stories, examples, and case studies found across this website - all in one place! Feel free to use the handy search filter to help you find exactly what you need.



HCD Phase:



movie_creation   Video

Principles of Human-Centered Design (Don Norman)

The Principles and Mindsets of HCD

movie_creation   Vidéo

Principes de conception centrée sur l'humain (Don Norman)

Les principes et les mentalités de la CCH

movie_creation   Video

Child-friendly emergency sanitation

Designing child-friendly sanitation in emergencies

movie_creation   Vidéo

Assainissement en situation d'urgence adapté aux enfants

Concevoir un assainissement adapté aux enfants dans les situations d'urgence

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